Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Which Hogwarts House Would You Be In?

You would be in Ravenclaw. You are wise, perceptive, and quietly brilliant. You may not always be noticed right away, but you are widely respected for your humor and brains.

Find Your Character @

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yesterday, I went to the pool. It was really fun. The pool we went to didn't look like this one, though. I just thought that this one looked cute.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today was a half day. It was also my last day of school. I plan on making friendship bracelets and finishing my 6th grade math and biology books. I also want to visit a few people.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family Blog Topic

Should people go to other religions' day camps?

Hey there, this is A Plus's Mom. We decided to try something new today. We're going to have a whole conversation about a topic. I'm going to be the guest blogger on A Plus's site, and sometimes she'll guest -blog on my site. When I blog it will be brown like coffee, because I love coffee.

When I blog it will be pink, because I love pink.

OK, so should people go to other religions' day camps?

I think that it depends on what people do there. If you end up doing something completely against your religion, maybe it's not worth going. If you decorate cookies for a holiday you don't celebrate, maybe watch a kid-level movie, and make crafts, go there all you want.

Well, so let's take a real-life example. We are UU's and the camp we're talking about is non-denominational Christian. One of the things I really like about UU's is that we get our inspiration from lots of different sources. Lots of those sources are Christian. So it would be really great for you to learn all that good Christian stuff.

Well, I just like the crafts sometimes.

No shame in that. But, in some way large or small, these people are running this camp because they think it is important that you grow up Christian. See, I don't think that's important. So, there's bound to be some conflict there.

Well, of course. A lot of churches want you to join them.

Well, sure. That's only right. But, ok, what if the craft is a craft about exorcism or the movie is a movie about going to hell?

[looks confused] Uh, what's exorcism?

Exorcism is where you cast the devil out of a person. Some Christians believe in it. My point is just, there's lots of creepy stuff that lots of religions believe and I wouldn't just want you swallowing it up without thinking.

O.k., so back to the point-It also depends on how religious you are. Are you fine with going to a thing that is a tiny bit against your religion? What about a medium sized amount?

Is it on a day that you think is important religiously?

What, like a sabbath or something?

Yes, like that.

Good point.

I don't necessarily think it's a question of how much you and your church disagree with them and their church (especially when you're talking about UU's, since we probably don't agree with each other anyway.) I mean, disagreeing is ok. I think it's about respect.

Like what?

Like, here's an example. Lots of Christian churches recite The Apostle's Creed. And I'm sure that Christian parents think that is a wholesome and lovely thing for their kids to be doing in Sunday school. And it's a beautiful and inspiring statement. But the Apostle's Creed is -- well, it's a creed. You get what a creed is?

Sure. It's a brief authoritative formula of religious belief (according to the dictionary.)

Right. So, you don't have one of those. So, if you were in a group and they all were reciting that creed or any creed, I would want you to feel comfortable bowing out. I would want the people to respect that.

Well, I would feel comfortable doing that.

Yes, well, you are exceptionally principled and outspoken.

Thank you.

Well, what do you think about the other side of it -- respect for the church? I mean, I wouldn't want any kid of mine sitting in the back feeling superior to the people in the church either.

Of course I wouldn't do that.

Well, then, so if you respect them and they respect you, do you suppose it's a good idea for you to go to the camp?

Yes, you?

Me too.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body

You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin.

And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly.

You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.

Don't worry, I don't want to be violent.

You Are Quite Worldly

You've done a good bit of worldly exploring, and you have an international perspective.

And you're definitely looking forward to your future adventures abroad.

You've got the passport, the desire to travel, and maybe even the language skills.

Now all you need are the means!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Violin Recital-Grand Finale of Concerts-Part1

I had a violin recital today. I played Minuet 1 by J.S. Bach. I had to leave early to make it to the Desert Bells concert.

Singing With the Desert Bells-Grand Finale of concerts-part 2

I am finally performing in my last concerts until I start school again.The Pheonix Cildrens Chorous cadet choir performed in the Desert Bells' concert (with their permission)

Orchestra Concert-20th post

Yesterday, I had an orchestra concert. This one was the last one.It was really fun.We gave our music back yesterday.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You Are a Carnation

You are down to earth and grounded.

You tend to be more traditional than trendy.

Your confidence gets you through anything.

People trust you and are very loyal to you.

Your Gemstone is Amber
Creative, happy, and logical.
You shine in any intellectual endeavor
What Gemstone Are You?

The Pheonix Childrens Chorous had annother concert on May 4. It was really fun. The place where we performed was wonderful.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Brother's Jokes

We were pretending to be cats.
me:I'm a white cat, and my name is Snowball.
my brother:I'm a blue cat, and my name is Waterball.
Snowball:I have a catnip plant.
Waterball:I have an eggplant

Friday, May 2, 2008

Music Joke

person #1:(sings)
person #2:"Does that song have any sharps or flats?"
person #1:"Yes"
person #2:"I thought so"
person #1:"Why?"
person #2:"It doen't sound natural"